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NH Online Forms System - NHDES - Permit Guidance

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New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services Permit Guidance

Below is a listing of permit application pages by program. If you have a large project that may need multiple program permits, you can contact NHDES for a Pre-Application meeting.

If you need fact sheets or guidance documents, you can find them in the NHDES Publications Library.

Air Resources

Alteration of Terrain

  • This permitting program applies to earth moving operations, such as industrial, commercial, and residential developments as well as sand pits, gravel pits, and rock quarries. Permits are issued by NHDES after a technical review of the application, which includes the project plans and supporting documents.


  • Use Restriction, Management, Release Detection, Permit Transfer

Groundwater Discharge

  • Discharge Permit, Holding Tanks, Stormwater Infiltration, Geothermal, Temporary Groundwater Discharge, Temporary Surface Water Discharge

Groundwater Monitoring

Groundwater Reclassification

  • Source Water Protection

Groundwater Withdrawal

  • Large Groundwater Withdrawal (bottled water, community water system, irrigation, etc.)

Hazardous Waste

  • Emergency Permit, Transporter Notification, Limited Permit, Request for Waiver, Small Quantity Generator

Oil Remediation and Compliance

  • Aboveground and Underground Storage Tank Contstruction, Registration and Closure, Vapor Recovery

Public Pools and Spas

Public Water Systems

  • Registration or Reactivation of Community and Non-Community Systems

Septic Systems

  • Installation, Designer and Installer Applications, Subdivision Application


The Shoreland Water Quality Protection Act (RSA 483-B) and its associated rules, Env-Wq 1400, establish a protected shoreland close to public waters. Within this area, vegetation removal, excavation, fill, and development are regulated. Proposed projects within the protected shoreland typically require a shoreland permit, and proposed projects within the bank of a waterbody may require a wetland permit.


Solid Waste

  • Haulers Certification and Annual Reporting, Operator Certification, Intent ro Construct and Operate a Waste Management Facility, Permit Transfer, Waiver Application, Waste-Derived Products, Type I-III Modification

Solid Waste Permit-by-Notification

  • Permits-by-Notification are available for certain types of small-scale solid waste facilities that receive 30 tons of waste per day or less. 

Solid Waste Standard Permits

  • Standard permits are required for facilities receiving more than 30 tons of waste per day that is not in a market-ready condition (e.g., not ready for a recycler).

Wastewater Engineering

  • Prequalified Engineer, Industrial Wastewater Indirect Discharge, Operator in Responsible Charge, Sewer Connection, Operator Certification

Water Use Registration


Water Wells

  • Contractor and Installer License Applications


Projects that involve excavation, fill, dredge, removal, and/or construction of structures in or on any bank, flat, marsh, or swamp in or adjacent to wetlands and waterbodies often require wetlands permit application forms or authorizations. 

Winnipesaukee River Basin

  • Commercial, Industrial or Wastewater Discharge, Connection Application

Contact Information

Address: New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services
29 Hazen Drive, PO Box 95
Concord, NH 03302-0095
Contacts: Pre-Application Information: Phone: 603-271-3710

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